Monday, December 23, 2013

12/21 my birthday!

Sooo my birthday was 2 days ago and i didnt really want to do too much because its 4 days before Christmas and i hadnt really been in the spirit much, so my cousin decided she'd put a lil gathering in place, we had a really good time and it was a beautiful day, 1st day of winter, it was 74 degrees! yeah how beautiful was that!so heres the day in review...

(this is me, enjoyin the sun)

my surprise ballons waiting for me!

my birthday cake! yummy 

the kid and i

my favorite cuz who put it together!!

43 is good!

Early one Sunday

Headed to church on this sunday morning, didnt feel like the usual dress and stocking, so i decided to rock these  lil lace pants i purchased a few years back for my 40th birthday, i kind of like these pants. not your usual look. so i paired them with a red sweater and some red shoes i got from a clothing swap which id never worn. so here i am, off withthe rest of my day....

Friday, July 5, 2013

dinosaurs! rawwwrrrr

happy birthday Chuckie! this lil one loves dinosaurs! so when asked to put his birthday party together it was definetely a blast!
dont u just love these colors! i was told Chuckie's favorite color was orange so i just build around that!
isnt he the most adorable!

Living Legend!

At church we celebrated the life of one of our founding members! 90 years young! oh to be so priviledged! so i was asked to do some decor, and  i was a bugget but heres what i came up with
the colors were yellow and silver with a splash of purple! i liked the way it turned out.

Weekend of Tiffanie

So my girlfriend celebrated her birthday and shes a cigar smoker so she asked me if i could create wrappers for her so i said why not!
heres what i came up with ! so then she decided she wanted party favors to go along with her eventful week end so im at it again , she likes red shes a delta, so i wanted girly pretty things
whats a party with out wine??
so on to the favors, she passed cigars to her guest and each also got to take a small bottle
and to personalize it all...

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Sky's The Limit: Changing directions!

Sky's The Limit: Changing directions!: At first when i decided to keep a blog i thought i was going to write about getting fit, although i still like things that keep me fit, i ac...

Monday, April 22, 2013


So.. my god daughter turned 21 this passed weekend and her mom wanted to try something new! she was gonna hang out with her friends, so there wasnt a huge celebration but her mom had a few family members came over and they had a fish fry! so we wanted to dress up a table, so heres the part i did, i just wanted to share :)
i made this name banner, it came out nice and can u see the centerpiece?? isnt it fabulous! 21 for 21! heres a closer look

i absolutely love the way it came out!  i will recreate this again. and not to leave out the beautiful birthday girl... i know she doesnt look 21 but she is :)

Friday, April 5, 2013

Sky's Teenie Bop Social!

On Easter Sunday my only daughter turned 15 and I wanted to do something special for her! So I came up with a Club Themed birthday party! I'd call it Club 15

and allow her to invite 15 friends. We'd do it up! we'd have pink carpet

(cuz thats her favorite color) and shes loves Zebra! (get where I'm going??) so I set out to design my Pink and Zebra club! So, u cant have a club with out VIP and red rope!

We'd have a dessert 'bar' and and food 'bar' and of course u cant be at the club with out a bar! So, we would have a make shift bar area! and signature drinks! My daughter's name is Skylar, so of course I'd come up with something unique. There would be a SKYtini and a SHEREEtemple (u guessed it, that being her middle name!
We'd also need to Pop champagne
! (cider that is) I thought I'd make this Easter one that wasnt about dying eggs and chocolate bunnies! we hope u enjoy!

and the guest of honor and her guest!