Friday, April 5, 2013

Changing directions!

At first when i decided to keep a blog i thought i was going to write about getting fit, although i still like things that keep me fit, i actually found a new hobby and that is event planning and or entertaning in a grand way. there is alot to learn and im ready to dive in! So not long ago my cousin announced that she was having a baby and she appointed me to host her shower! so i thought that was the perfect chance to put my skills to use! so i began planning and together we came  up with a theme! she was having a boy so soon we'd have a Prince! so there was theme and now it was time to plan our party!
so here is the invitation that we came up with! isnt it just darling! i thought so.. so now on to the planning portion, i sent out the invites and decided on a fabulous location and started getting things in place! so next i came up with what would be served and that was easy cuz for all the family events, i usually do the cooking so it woulndt be hard to come up with a menu

and then there was decor! what colors would be decided and how was it all going to fall in place! i was so excited to be the host of this event i had it all together!
must have fancy waters! and other fancy touches:

and table decor! whats a shower with out a head table and gorgeous cake!

and after that u need games guest and gifts!

and of course the happle couple ready to recieve their new bundle of joy!!

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