Friday, April 5, 2013

Sky's Teenie Bop Social!

On Easter Sunday my only daughter turned 15 and I wanted to do something special for her! So I came up with a Club Themed birthday party! I'd call it Club 15

and allow her to invite 15 friends. We'd do it up! we'd have pink carpet

(cuz thats her favorite color) and shes loves Zebra! (get where I'm going??) so I set out to design my Pink and Zebra club! So, u cant have a club with out VIP and red rope!

We'd have a dessert 'bar' and and food 'bar' and of course u cant be at the club with out a bar! So, we would have a make shift bar area! and signature drinks! My daughter's name is Skylar, so of course I'd come up with something unique. There would be a SKYtini and a SHEREEtemple (u guessed it, that being her middle name!
We'd also need to Pop champagne
! (cider that is) I thought I'd make this Easter one that wasnt about dying eggs and chocolate bunnies! we hope u enjoy!

and the guest of honor and her guest!